
Photo gallery as a module for a website is one of the most popular add-ons used in the process of developing web applications. Analyzing the sites found on the web, I decided to create a simple yet comprehensive photo gallery module equipped with the most popular functionalities. In order to run the gallery you will need my own COMP library, which is used by most of the modules presented in this blog. Work is underway to adapt the library in such a way that it can be completely replaced by the jQuery library, hence the coincidence of method names and similar design.



If I were to list the most popular modules used by developers when creating websites, the slider would certainly be at the top. But what exactly is a slider? As the name suggests, it's a slideshow on a website, also known as an image rotator.



Modal or, more precisely, modal window, is a module that displays a panel that blocks the execution of other operations on the page, closed after performing a predefined action. Very often colloquially called "pop-up window". Modals used by web application developers, as a rule, have the following functionality: displaying a panel that blocks the remaining content of the page, displaying technical messages or loading content from another page.


Variable names

Well-written code is characterized by ease of reading and lack of comments, as our comment should be the name of the variable. How should we name variables, classes or functions? I have tried to describe in this article.


Demeter's Law

One of the many programming principles that will help us build good and understandable code. If you want to learn something about the Greek Goddess, then unfortunately you won't learn much in this article. However, the knowledge it contains is also intriguing.
